
On foot
On foot

The Rheinsteig walking trail passes through Rüdesheim.

By train
By train

Rüdesheim and Assmannshausen is served by the Rechte Rheinstrecke train line between Neuwied, Koblenz and Wiesbaden and Frankfurt. Trains are infrequent, with around one service per hour, but cheap towards Frankfurt/Wiesbaden/Mainz, as all towns lie in the RMV (http://www.rmv.de/en/) fare region.

By ship
By ship

KD (http://www.k-d.com/englis...) and BR (http://www.bingen-ruedesh...) boats cruising the Rhine also stop at both Assmannshausen and Rüdesheim, and you can also hop on a ferry across the river to Bingen and board there.